How We Work


Here at +ad communications our clients’ needs come first. This means that the support we provide will be on your terms and we will always work to your available budget, time pressures, and business objectives. It should be refreshing to hear that there will be zero hard sell from us.

We like to run +ad communications in a similar way to any other organisation that is providing a service. If you want to book a hotel room for a specific number of nights, you will be informed of the price before you book and if you want to extend your stay later you have the freedom to do that assuming there is availability right? Well we work exactly the same way. Here is how we do things...…

When you get in touch with us to make an initial enquiry... we will briefly discuss your needs over a call or email exchange. Assuming you want to work with us we will arrange an initial consultation.

During your initial consultation... we will discuss your challenges in more detail to establish what specific support you require and how we can deliver it. Although rare, some clients - particularly those who already have some degree of communications expertise in their organisation - choose to use the initial consultation to gather some quick win advice without proceeding to any further support. However, most clients will proceed to the next stage which is active support.

A proposal will be produced following your initial consultation... which will outline the level of support that we think you will need. This will usually breakdown the support into specific activities that are relevant to your needs and the number of hours/days apportioned to each. The proposal will be flexible depending on your needs and preferences. For example if upon receipt of the proposal you choose to accept one element but not another that is absolutely fine. Once the proposal is agreed, active support will begin.

The support provided will be tailored to meet your requirements... and if we establish a long-term relationship we will be more than happy to embed ourselves within the culture of your organisation as much or as little as you are comfortable with. Equally, if all you ever require from us is arms-length occasional content production to keep your website or press releases up to date and that works for you, that is fine by us. To make best use of your budget and time, the support we provide will be a combination of on-site and off-site working - the details of which will be outlined in the proposal. More details on how our support is broken down can be found in the Costs section.

What about the creative stuff?

We are primarily a strategy, content, and support consultancy which means that we don’t specialise in the creative side of things such as design work. However, over 15 years experience in the industry brings with it a lot of quality creative contacts such as designers, photographers, videographers, and web developers to name just a few.

Along with the hands on support we provide, +ad communications will also support any creative requirements as much or as little as our clients wish. If you just want a good reliable contact to get something produced we can point you in the right direction. If you would prefer us to manage this side of things on your behalf directly with other agencies or suppliers we can do that too.

What do we ask you to commit to?

The only commitment we ask our clients to adhere to is the full costs outlined in our proposals when they have been agreed to - this is because +ad communications is a small business which will base its resources and time commitments around our clients’ individual needs. However, acknowledging the need for flexibility we only ever ask our clients to commit to a proposal that they feel comfortable with, the terms and delivery timescales of which are negotiable.